
CifiMad 2020


2020: CifiMad
Hotel Las Provincias, Fuenlabrada

As usual, every year we welcome new associations and sponsors into our geekfamily. For 2020 we had Asociación HoloRed Estelar, Mothership Esp-V Madrid Squad and Asociación Juvenil Éter; who not only graced our event with their presence and their cosplays, but also contributed children’s activities for CifiKids. This was a particularly literary edition, since we had three genre authors who donated copies of their works as prizes for our contests and were promoting their titles in our space: Jorge Laforge with his poetry collection La Última Frontera (The Final Frontier), Héctor Espadas with his post-apocalyptic novel La Última Ciudad del Mundo (The Last City in the World), and Tony Puché with El Corazón de Etherlorn (The Heart of Etherlorn), first volume of his saga Nacido del Fuego (Born from Fire). We had a few new additions to our dealers room, among them the publishing house Wave Books who brought some of their authors to sign copies; as well as Tekubi Shop and Psychogear.

As we always do, we had some guest actors from international sagas to give our attendees the chance of meeting them. David Blue played Eli Wallace in Stargate Universe, and in his visit to CifiMad he showed us his geekiest side: someone as fun and down to Earth as they come, and as big a science fiction and fantasy enthusiast as we are. From the Star Wars side we had the opportunity to meet Michael Culver, who played Captain Needa in Episode V: he was a perfect gentleman and, his age notwithstanding, very open to the fans’ fun ideas for the photo session. We also had the almost full cast of the Spanish dub voices for the animation show Big Mouth, who gave a talk about the show and the dubbing work in general, and a signing session from which the whole proceeds were destined, with the help of Fanvención, to funding research against cancer.

Since this year the dates for our event overlapped with Valentine’s Day, we thought of making our Friday party themed around the dance in the Back to the Future movie, and many film references about high school dances. Our Scifi-Enchantment under the Sea Dance was a smashing success, with more than a hundred geeks dressed as movie characters or in general 50s style, dancing like crazy to the classic rock & roll tunes played by our star DJ. The night came to a climax with the coronation of the King and Queen of the Dance. That very Sunday we were already throwing ideas back and forth for next year’s themed party! Moving on to the Saturday party, the cifimanos got some competition: we had the privilege to assist to a spectacular Cifimanas vs Cifiwarriors performance.

Like every year, Roberto and his team were filming scenes all weekend long in order to show their work on Sunday afternoon; this was a very special screening because it included a talk about the history of this Cififilms initiative, with the best moments of the shooting of other years’ videos… and also because, ahem, there was a surprise. 😉 As for the video itself, it was the most ambitious up to date, with a plot, narrative and main villain, and lots of the participants playing very particular and fun versions of themselves. Its duration and scope warranted its release in webseries format, in three episodes. Enjoy!

As always, you can revive your memories of the event (or get an idea of what you missed) thanks to the chronicles and vídeos of our collaborators and attendees:

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